Technology and innovation are not recent inventions. Humans have been creating tools to help make our lives easier for over 10,000 years. Here’s my list of the ten most important inventions of all time, along with some facts about each invention.


  • Thought to be invented near Mesopotamia.

  • Most machines developed since the industrial revolution utilize a wheel/cog/gear.

  • Many people believe that the wheel had industrial purposes before being used for transportation.


  • Originated around the 2nd Millennium BC.

  • Early nails were forged, meaning someone hammered them into being.

  • By the 1900’s, nails were being mass-produced by machines.


  • Originated in the 2nd Century AD in China.

  • Said to be an substitute to silk in many applications.

  • Worldwide consumption of paper has risen 400% over the past 40 years (trade-off).


  • Originated in the 12th century.

  • Works by way of magnetism.

  • Before compasses, navigation was achieved primarily through the use of landmarks and celestial bodies.

The Printing Press

  • Invention credited to Johannes Gutenberg in 1450.

  • Broke the monopoly of literacy for the rich elite.


  • Electrical power was invented in the late 19th. century; however, the science of electricity has been around for thousands of years.

  • Electronics would not be possible without electricity.

  • Electricity is directly related to magnetism.

The Automobile

  • Karl Benz was the inventor of the first modern automobile.

  • Precursors to the modern automobile ran on steam power; however, Benz’s automobile ran on gasoline.

  • Production line automobile manufacturing first occurred in the US.

The Assembly Line

  • Attributed to Ransom Olds, owner of Oldsmobile and later perfected by Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motors.

  • More than any other item on the list, assembly lines have created the most sociological problems.

  • Workers have often been taken advantage of, and injuries have been a big problem with assembly lines.


  • Developed in the 1960’s.


  • 61% of the world does not even use the Internet.

  • Developed by DARPA, a branch of the Department of Defense.

In Closing

Technologies change quickly. When I was in middle school, the following technologies did not exist:

  • The World Wide Web

  • Cell Phones

  • Laptops

  • Color Monitors

  • Email